About Marvin Mendez

Who Is

Marvin Mendez

Over the past 3 1/2 years, Marvin Mendez has gained over 50+ pounds of muscle through calisthenics based training and through the past year has been sharing his knowledge through different platforms, amassing hundreds of followers online.

Marvin focuses on helping others build an aesthetics physique and building unique strength by incorporating bodybuilding methods into calisthenics/bodyweight training through his Progressive Adaptivity Training™ method.

He has been able to achieve bodyweight skills such as the front lever, handstand, back lever, muscle up, and more, all while continuing to incorporate hypertrophy based training.

Who is Marvin Mendez

Marvin Mendez

Marvin Mendez

(The Struggle...)​

Early Life

Marvin Mendez

Marvin Mendez was raised in Gainesville, GA. Growing up, he was as a very quiet and shy kid with anyone he didn’t know. He used to sit in his room and draw by himself, was an A+ student in school, and went to church 5 times a week. During school and at home in the afternoons, he enjoyed playing soccer but was easily pushed around by the bigger kids.

In 2013, Marvin moved to a new school, which only increased his anxiety and awkwardness exponentially in the 5th grade. Then, throughout middle school, his insecurities of being a small, skinny, and freckled kid got worse and worse as he got picked on and felt that he couldn’t talk to girls or gain their interests. But even with his low self image, he always had a spark for becoming better and never giving up on anything he set his mind to



It all started when Marvin received an invitation from one of his closest cousins, named Kevin. Together they visited a brand new local gym named “Rise”. He walked in as a very skinny 14 year old boy, having no idea what to do, and feeling intimidated by all the bodybuilding giants all around him.

And after extreme anxiety and many failed attempts to lift a barbell with one 45-pound plate on each side or perform any good exercises, he promised to never be embarrassed inside a gym ever again. However, Marvin had just created the start of his calisthenics bodybuilding journey…

Marvin Calisthenics


He began to try different workouts, foods, supplements, and do tons of research every single day from home. He failed and saw zero noticeable results for over two years following many calisthenics athletes online and the typical “bodyweight style” workouts. But, he slowly began to find real valuable information on muscle growth, dieting, and  calisthenics from the few “real deal” calisthenics bodybuilder as well as weight training bodybuilders. He finally put all his information together and built a plan to execute over the next year.

Marvin Mendez has now been able to put on 50+ pounds of muscle in the past 3 1/2 years through calisthenics-based training and achieved different calisthenics skills along the way!

His goal is to help as many guys as possible to build more muscle, strength, and confidence through his help and training as he has already done so with hundreds over the past year.